How to exfoliate before a spray tan or self tan

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and is the MOST important step to achieving a flawless sunless tan application. If you want a good spray tan or self tan, you can't skip this step. A fake tan isn't just a paint you put on your skin that makes you tan, it is a reaction with your skin and if your skin isn't a clean canvas the tanner will not work as well.

To exfoliate before a fake tan is best to use a mitt, glove or brush. If you use a body scrub or a chemical exfoliant it can leave you with a leftover oils or chemicals on your skin leaving you with a streaky fake tan.

It is super simple to exfoliate, all you have to do is get an exfoliating mitt and an organic body wash and rub in circular motions in the shower or bath. For best results, exfoliate 24 hours BEFORE a spray tan or self tan, this will make sure your pores are closed.

The same process can be used for a dry brush or glove, just make sure to use an organic body wash with it. It is important to not use soap like Dove, it can leave you with a streaky tan.

I know it can seem overwhelming with all the steps you need to take before sunless tanning, but I promise it isn't as complicated as it may seem. Once you have done your tanning routine once, you will be a pro!

The easiest way to have a good fake tan is to plan it out, you need to know you have to shave and exfoliate 24 hours before a spray tan or self tan. For example, if you want your tan for an event on Saturday, exfoliate/shave Thursday and self tan or spray tan on Friday night. 

I hope this helps your fake tan game and remember exfoliate with an exfoliating tool, use an organic body wash and do it 24 hours before a fake tan application!



1 comment

  • Hey babe
    Just wondering if u moisturise 24 hours before tanning or doesn’t matter when please let me know cheers x


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