
  • How to remove hair with a fake tan on

    If you are anything like me with pale skin and dark hair, we can’t go a few days without shaving our legs or underarms. I mean, I wish I could, wo...
  • What is the difference between rapid and standard solution?

    One of the most common questions I get asked being a spray tan artist is, “What is the difference between rapid and standard solution?”. First of ...
  • Can you use gloves to self tan?

    Recently on Tiktok I have seen videos of women sharing that they are using gloves to apply self tan mousse. This is the worst way you could possib...
  • Can you self tan with hairy legs?

    This is such a good question, and it makes sense as to why it is one of the most popular questions women have when it comes to self tanning or even...
  • How to match your makeup with your self tan

    During my spray tan artist journey, this is a question I get asked by most new clients and my answer is NO! You do not need to run out and buy a n...
  • Self tanning mousse tips

    Self tanning can be intimidating, you start to think what if I mess up when applying it or what if I look orange? We all have these first thoughts ...
  • Is It Safe To Use Self Tanners When Pregnant?

    One of the most common questions I have gotten asked throughout my professional spray tan career is, “Can I self tan/spray tan while I am pregnant?...
  • Tanning Mousse vs Lotion, Spray and Drops

     There are four different types of self tanning products you can use and each are used differently. The four different types are mousse, lotion, s...
  • How to self tan your back

      How to self tan your back is one of the most frequently asked questions by any self tan lover. Self tanning your back is definitely the most cha...
  • How do self tanners work

    A lot of people think that a sunless tan is just a sort of paint that you put on your body that instantly makes you tan and this is not the case. ...
  • How to self tan your hands

    Have you ever applied self tan mousse and thought you did an amazing job, then you rinse you and look at your hands and they look terrible? Yeah, ...
  • How to tan your face

      This is something I get asked all the time, how do I self tan my face? I know we worry about our skin breaking out, but the Sunless Rae self tan...